
I am having a problem with my display. I am running XFree86-4.2.1 on Mandrake
9.0 and tried using the "radeon", "ati", and "ati.2" driver for my Radeon 64MB
DDR VIVO on a Samsung SyncMaster 753DF Monitor. It works fine if a tv-out
cable isn't connected to my card.

However, whenever I hook a tv-out cable to the card and connect it to a TV and
reboot, I cannot switch to a VT by pressing CTRL-ALT-F3. Instead my monitor
displays "Sync Out of Range." I hit CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to my X display
and it works fine on the monitor but displays nothing on the TV.

But wait, it gets stranger. If I use the "vesa" driver for my device in
XF86Config-4, I can switch back and forth between the X Display and VTs by
using the CTRL-AL-F3/F7. However, the "vesa" driver looks a little less crisp
on my monitor and flickers too much in X. It looks great on the tv though when
I switch to a VT and run Xine -V SyncFB foo.avi or mplayer -vo fbdev foot.avi.

How can I use the "radeon" or "ati" driver to make this work? What am I doing
wrong? I had no problems configuring this to work right out of the box with
Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 using the default setup that XFDrake configured.

I've tried using the experimental driver, "ati.2" but no luck either. I've
also tried using atitvout but cannot get it to work. It sees a tv and and
monitor attached to my card but locks when I enable them using the "radeon"
driver. I've attached my XF86Config-4 file. If anyone can figure this one out.

Thanks.This is driving me crazy trying to debug.


Attachment: XF86Config-4
Description: Binary data

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