Around 23 o'clock on Oct 25, James Hawtin wrote:

> Errr how do I turn them off and go back to the old ones, I find the new
> xterm (default text entry one) particularly bad, using default fonts its 2
> lines high one character wide and shaped like a red dog bone, the shadow
> is annoying in this case as well.

Xcursor is configurable via environment variables and X resources.  It 
should probably have a dot file too, just to keep up with other Unix 

(resource/environment variable): type...

Xcursor.core/XCURSOR_CORE       bool

        Whether to use core cursors exclusively, overriding any available
        Render extension capability.

Xcursor.size/XCURSOR_SIZE       int

        Nominal size for cursors.  Themed cursors can have multiple sizes
        for each cursor, Xcursor picks the size closest to this size from
        those available.  If Xcursor adds SVG support, this size will be 
        used to scale the SVG objects.

Xft.dpi                         int

        If Xcursor.size isn't set, then this value is used to compute the
        nominal size = dpi * 16 / 72

Xcursor.theme/XCURSOR_THEME     string

        Name of theme.  Xcursor uses the icon theme
        specification to locate cursor files; cursors live in one
        of the icon directories in a cursors subdirectory.  Xcursor
        looks in the standard icon directories, along with 
        /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons.  It also parses the index.theme
        file to follow Inherits values.  If no theme is set, Xcursor uses

Xcursor.dither/XCURSOR_DITHER   threshold/median/ordered/diffuse

        Dithering algorithm when creating core cursors.  Xcursor transforms
        an ARGB cursor into a two color cursor with one of these algorithms
        (yes, only ordered and diffuse are really dithers).  The default
        is ordered, which is a 2x2 ordered dither.


        If the server doesn't support ARGB cursors, this value controls 
        whether Xcursor goes ahead and themes core cursors using the core 
        cursor requests.

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