On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 09:48:15AM +1000, Russell wrote:
> I found i can send the output from one xterm into another.
> Open two xterms. One will be /dev/pts/0, and the other /dev/pts/1.
> In the first xterm, type: echo -n "^[[10;20H". ^[ is a literal ESC.
> Can try also: echo -ne "\033[10;20H"
> This will move the cursor. Now type: echo -n "^[[10;20H" >/dev/pts/1

Note that this follows the "output" path I mentioned in my previous
mail.  It does not cause the application running in the "target" xterm
to receive anything, so doing cursor movement this way causes the
application running in that terminal (vim, or bash, for example) to
misbehave if it does not handle this correctly.

> I kind of figured out that:
>   The scancode is converted to a symbolic code in

Yep, you've got this much right.

> Now i'd guess that the keyboard driver whatever that is in
> XF86Config-4:
> Section "InputDevice"
> ...
>   Driver "keyboard"
> Endsection
> takes the logical key presses such as Up and converts that to
> the terminal command: cuu. This is defined as cuu=\E[A in
> terminfo for xterm.

No, the server (which is what uses the XF86Config file) has *no* idea of
the VT key sequences.  The VT sequences are a fiction shared by XTerm
and the tty-using application.  Read the enormous man page for xterm.
You can change the mappings by setting X resources.

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