I would dearly love to see this working.

I can't answer your questions unfortunetly, but this is one way I envisage it 

In the XF86Config-4 file, an "input group" section is added.  The syntax of 
CorePointer and SendCoreEvents is discarded (What is the difference between 
the primary and secondary mouse ?)

All mice in an 'input group' are treated as one mouse - with implicit 
CorePointer on the first mouse listed, and SendCoreEvents on subsequent mice.

All keyboards in an input group are treated as one keyboard.

Each input group has one cursor. (Few, in any, graphics cards can cope with 
multiple hardware cursors, so above one cursor, the rest will have to be 
software cursors.)

Popular window managers will be extended to support multiple input groups.  
Either by using a new extension, or using the existing extension (I've 
forgotten what it is called) that gimp for example uses.


On Thursday 07 November 2002 11:20 pm, Tim Wright wrote:
> hi,
> I'm working on extending X/Linux to use different keyboards with different
> X Servers. There are two parts to this problem, one I've almost finished
> and the other I need your help.
> I've almost finished patching the Linux HID Keyboard driver (2.4.19
> kernel) so that it creates device nodes /dev/keyboards/keyboard?? for
> every USB keyboard. If you ignore these, then Linux functions as usual -
> all keyboard input streams are merged as the system keyboard. If you open
> one of these nodes, then events from that keyboard are sent through that
> node and are not sent to the system keyboard any more. I've written all
> that code except for reading from the nodes (open and close work fine).
> I want to write an X-Input extension to open one of those nodes and read
> the scan codes and pass them through to X as a keyboard. This is where I
> need your help. How do I do that? Should I use scan-codes, or is something
> else better?
> tim
> http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~tnw13
> Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
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