On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Mark Lane wrote:

> At 11:07 AM 11/25/02, you wrote:
> >On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Owen Savill wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks for that. I am a little less confused ! I still think GATOS is a
> > > type of French cake :-)
> > >
> > > However, I noticed from you web site it says :
> > >
> > > Cards earlier than the ATI 3D Rage Pro don't have a triangle setup
> > > engine and are not supported. This includes ... and ATI 3D Rage Mobility
> > >
> > > ?!?! what does this mean ?
> >
> >Note that ATI 3D Rage Mobility is listed under _supported_ (there are two
> >lists in that paragraph, the first are unsupported and the second are
> >supported).  I should make this more clear on the site, but there are
> >cards called "3D Rage XXX", _without_ "Pro"  in the name that have only
> >very limited 3D capabilities -- i.e. texturing, but no triangle setup.
> >AFAIK, all "Rage Mobility" cards using mach64 are of the "Pro" variety and
> >have triangle setup.
> AFAIK, the Rage Mobility card use the Rage XL chipset as do the 
> Xpert98@play and current shipping Rage 98s. The Rage Pro was used in 
> regular Xpert 98s but is no longer. I don't know what features the XL came 
> with but the performance was definitely not as good as the Rage Pro cards.

The Rage XL is register compatible with Rage Pro/Rage LT Pro/ Rage
Mobility as far as 3D goes.  I think the main differences between these 
have to do with panel support, TV-out, and iDCT/motion compensation --
plus dual CRTCs and low power use for the mobile chips.  Rage XL is tested
and works with the DRI mach64 driver.  It's the chips that came before the
Rage Pro like the the mach64 VT and 3D Rage II/IIC/II+ that don't have
triangle setup despite the "3D" in the name.

Leif Delgass 

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