Yes I have made the changes in the lilo.conf file.

I have the framebuffer x server installed on my
system. I  changed the softlink /etc/X11/X to point to
the XF86_FBDev and made the changes in the XF86Config
file. Still I feel that the X server is not using the
framebuffer devices. Even when I remove the /dev/fb0
device the X server keeps functioning normally,
without giving any messages in the logfile.

--- Balarama Chandra N R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Actually When you create a Frame buffer support i
> presume you have given
> that entry in lilo.conf file, so when you reboot the
> system, choose that OS
> image that is frame buffer enabled, to test the
> X-Server that has been
> created using FB, the simplest thing to do is run
> the XFree86 exe from the
> directory where in u have compiled the xc tree with
> frame buffer support.
> The reason what I feel for X-Server coming up is cuz
> the default version of
> X-Server will still exist unless you choose the
> specific OS image and the
> X-Server with FB support.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anurag Palsule
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 12:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [Xpert]Hooking onto Xserver
> I configured my X server to use the frame buffer
> devices. Now how do I make sure that the X server
> that
> is running on my system is actually the framebuffer
> X
> server, and is using the fb device that I have
> specified in the FRAMEBUFFER environment variable.
> Also when I remove the frame buffer device /dev/fb0,
> the X server, still keeps functioning normally,
> without giving any error message in the log file.
> thanks and regards,
> Anurag
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