I'm about to share more or less the extent of my
world knowledge:  To my reckoning, the ATI's
don't go dual-head on Mandrake.  No I know 
you're saying to self "I'm not running Mandrake"
but the -4 system is similar betwixt MDK and
yours.  Don't lose all heart, though.  The other
possibility is that you're neglecting one small
thing.  (My 7500 doesn't work if I don't do this)
You may need the "screen n" numbers numbers in
place before the Screen lines in the Server
Layout section.in summary, try:

Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
Screen 1 "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"

As I said, mine won't work without it.  Good luck
and have a good Christmas.

Keep the faith,Faerie

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