Hey all,

I'd like to announce that XQuartz 2.7.10_rc1 is available.  Full changes since 
2.7.9 can be seen in the release notes:


The main change since 2.7.10_beta2 is around the libXt compatibility hack for 
Motif.  Because of issues with applications that use both Motif and libXaw, 
I've abandoned the previous approach of shipping /opt/X11/lib/libXt.6.dylib as 
flat_namespace and /opt/X11/lib/libXt.7.dylib as the two-level namespace 
version.  Now, /opt/X11/lib/libXt.6.dylib is two-level namespace, and 
/opt/X11/lib/libXt.7.dylib is provided as a symlink to it for compatibility.  
This means that Motif based applications will fail to launch by default unless 
this bug is fixed in Motif.

As a workaround, we're shipping the flat namespace dylib hack at 
/opt/X11/lib/flat_namespace/libXt.6.dylib.  Users who require that version have 
two options:
  1) Replace the two-level namespace version with it (sudo cp 
/opt/X11/lib/flat_namespace/libXt.6.dylib /opt/X11/lib/libXt.6.dylib)
  2) Launch your Motif applications using 

This should not be seen as a long-term solution.  Hopefully someone will step 
up to fix Motif to not require this hack.

Please give this a try and comment on the effectiveness of this approach if you 
use Motif-based applications.


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