I think it's better if the devteam focusing on polishing XFce for us
rather than split their resources on an additional wm.

On 6/5/06, john levin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jani Monoses wrote:
> Hi all
> I wrote down a few ideas for edgy here
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XubuntuEdgyIdeas
> as it's stated there please discuss anything you want added here first  to
> avoid
> it ending up as the ProposedApps page.
> thanks
> Jani

The WM for Ubuntu-Lite is IceWM. Would it be worth adding this to
Xubuntu? Certainly not to replace XFCE, but as a lighter alternative.
I'm presuming there would be enough room on the cd for both; not sure
how we could handle choosing Ice over XFCE during installation.


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