
  on the question if WHAT WG is a W3C alternative
allow me to quote Ian Hickson (WHAT WG spokesperson).

  We [Mozilla and Opera], of course, want the W3C to
go down our chosen route. Since there doesn't seem to
be much consensus on doing that, though, the question
is what should we do now? Should we do our own thing
(in public of course) and then submit it to the W3C
(or IETF or ECMA) at some future point once we have
initial implementations? Should we simply do our own
thing (Opera, Mozilla, and a few interested parties)
and forget standardisation altogether? Should we just
take part in whatever Web Applications working group
the W3C sets up and implement whatever comes out of
that in several years' time, despite being fully aware
that few people will ever use it? (Which is a foregone
conclusion since it wouldn't work in Windows IE6.)

  I'm learning towards the first of the three at the
moment. I guess the Opera and Mozilla people will have
to discuss this in more detail before we decide
anything though.

  Source: http://ln.hixie.ch/?start=1086158925&count=1

   Any comments?

   - Gerald

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