
  allow me to highlight the tech paper titled "The
Carousel Architecture".
   What is Carousel?   
  Carousel is a development platform built on the
open-source XUI framework. XUI's core functionality
provides for user-interface construction and data
abstraction. Carousel extends this core functionality
to include database access, remote communications and
service support. Carousel also adds many features to
XUI to assist in rapid application-development and

  The table of contents includes:

   A brief overview

   The Carousel Solution.
   * Project support for coordination of resources. 
   * Factory methods to remove repetition. 
   * Factories to target different devices/platforms. 
   * Full access to the API 
   * Layered approach to add styles. 
   * Modular extension. 
   * Page management.
   * XML as a shortcut to declaring content.
   * Proxies for event management.
   * Input validation.
   * Data modelling. 
   * Data loading. 
   * Data binding. 
   * Database access. 
   * Services and communication.
   * Routing.
   * Resource Loading.
   * MVC pattern for separation of concerns. 

  Technical Comparisons.

  a) Client Architectures. 
  * Fat Clients. 
  * HTML/Browser.
  * Server generated clients.
  * Java AWT/Swing. 
  * XUL and its variants. 
  * Microsoft’s XAML. 

  b) Data Access.
  * JDBC.
  * JDO.

  Further reading. 

  Full story @

   What do you think? Has anybody tried out Xoetrope
XUI or Carousel?

    - Gerald

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