I guess the "dangling carrot" for me would be the following:

- a commitment from Microsoft that they'll not pull the floor
  from underneath my feet. I'm referring to what I saw VB
  developers experience when Microsoft anounced that they
  would no longer support VB and that they suddenly had to
  learn a new language. Basically I would like to see Microsoft
  prove that this is not just another fad they're grabbing at
  (like when they grabbed Softimage and then let it go when
  it looked like SGI was already sunk).
- a commitment from Microsoft that they'll at least "tolerate"
  the Open Source community in their attempt to offer .NET &
  XAML on other platforms so that there is competition and
  other "brands" available.

As far as what support would I like to see:

- Supporting the concept of other platforms sharing the .NET &
  XAML titles. If Linux, BSD or Solaris types want to use .NET
  & XAML then let them do so.

I am an educator in a polytechnic school in B.C., Canada and
one thing that makes me extremely wary of any technology (no
matter who creates it), is whether or not:
a) it's going to be supported long term vs. a passing fad and;
b) whether or not it's a transferable skill to other technologies,
platforms, OS's, languages, tiers, etc. College students these
days pay a heft sum of money for their education and they don't
want us teaching them a "one trick pony" technology.

and maybe a last item would be ...

c) a nice "shrink-wrapped" package that helps me disseminate the
knowledge of how to use this new technology to my students.

Hopefully that's gentle enough.


I believe that this is a tremendous opportunity for
forward-looking developers and organizations, and this
is a topic I'll return to many times. Meanwhile, let
me hear your thoughts. If you're a developer, how can
we help you get started writing applications with
XAML? If you're a development manager or CTO, what
tools do you need to speed the adoption of XAML within
your company? Finally, as a member of the XAML
community, what products, services and support would
you like to see on the market in the next year or two?


 Do you have any comments for Ben? Please, be gentle.

  - Gerald

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