
  Ben Cantlon - a Xamlon dream team member - writes in
a blog story titled "XAML Today":

  When Longhorn is released, developers and
organizations will face a challenge: do we build for
Longhorn and sacrifice backward compatibility; do we
build for pre-Longhorn versions of Windows and
sacrifice the benefits of Avalon/XAML; or do we
develop two versions in parallel, with the
difficulties and costs that entails? This dilemma can
be expected to persist for years, as Longhorn slowly
approaches majority adoption.

  There is a better way. By beginning to use XAML now,
and by choosing a XAML engine that will evolve with
Microsoft's spec while remaining stable and
dependable, developers gain a host of benefits:

* XAML applications built today will port to Longhorn.
* Applications built in XAML today benefit immediately
from the portability, manageability and security
offered by Longhorn's two-tier programming model.
* XAML experience gained today will be in demand and
valuable as Longhorn adoption grows.
* Applications written for Longhorn after its release
will work with pre-Longhorn versions of Windows.

I believe that this is a tremendous opportunity for
forward-looking developers and organizations, and this
is a topic I'll return to many times. Meanwhile, let
me hear your thoughts. If you're a developer, how can
we help you get started writing applications with
XAML? If you're a development manager or CTO, what
tools do you need to speed the adoption of XAML within
your company? Finally, as a member of the XAML
community, what products, services and support would
you like to see on the market in the next year or two?


  Do you have any comments for Ben? Please, be gentle.

  - Gerald

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