On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Lars Martin wrote:
> This is true. But "before" and "after" could contain an XPath relative
> to the "select"ed context node. Does this make sense?
> Assuming we have the following simple address database:
> <addresses>
>   <address>
>     <...>
>   </address>
>   <address>
>     <...>
>   </address>
> </addresses>
> I can apply the following XUpdate query to append a new address right
> after the first "address" child node_
> <xupdate:append select="/addresses" after="address[1]">
>   <...>
> </xupdate>
I don't think this is very usefull, this is the same as 

 <xupdate:insert-after select="/addresses/address[1]">

and I don't think you can do anything new with <append after|before>
rather than with actual <insert-before> and <insert-after>
Moreover with

 <xupdate:append select="/addresses" child="first()|last()">            

you don't have to know the previous/next sibbling node, which is
impossible with <insert-before> or <insert-after>

Sylvain Thenault

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