XZ Utils 5.3.3alpha is available at <https://tukaani.org/xz/>. Here is an
extract from the NEWS file:

    * All fixes from 5.2.6.

    * liblzma:

        - Fixed 32-bit build.

        - Added threaded .xz decompressor lzma_stream_decoder_mt().
          It can use multiple threads with .xz files that have multiple
          Blocks with size information in Block Headers. The threaded
          encoder in xz has always created such files.

          Single-threaded encoder cannot store the size information in
          Block Headers even if one used LZMA_FULL_FLUSH to create
          multiple Blocks, so this threaded decoder cannot use multiple
          threads with such files.

          If there are multiple Streams (concatenated .xz files), one
          Stream will be decompressed completely before starting the
          next Stream.

        - A new decoder flag LZMA_FAIL_FAST was added. It makes the
          threaded decompressor report errors soon instead of first
          flushing all pending data before the error location.

    * xz:

        - Using -T0 (--threads=0) will now use multi-threaded encoder
          even on a single-core system. This is to ensure that output
          from the same xz binary is identical on both single-core and
          multi-core systems.

        - A default soft memory usage limit is now used for compression
          when -T0 is used and no explicit limit has been specified.
          This soft limit is used to restrict the number of threads
          but if the limit is exceeded with even one thread then xz
          will continue with one thread using the multi-threaded
          encoder and this limit is ignored. If the number of threads
          is specified manually then no default limit will be used;
          this affects only -T0.

          This change helps on systems that have very many cores and
          using all of them for xz makes no sense. Previously xz -T0
          could run out of memory on such systems because it attempted
          to reserve memory for too many threads.

          This also helps with 32-bit builds which don't have a large
          amount of address space that would be required for many
          threads. The default limit is 1400 MiB on all 32-bit
          platforms with -T0.

          Now xz -T0 should just work. It might use too few threads
          in some cases but at least it shouldn't easily run out of
          memory. It's possible that this will be tweaked before 5.4.0.

        - Changes to --memlimit-compress and --no-adjust:

          In single-threaded mode, --memlimit-compress can make xz
          scale down the LZMA2 dictionary size to meet the memory usage
          limit. This obviously affects the compressed output. However,
          if xz was in threaded mode, --memlimit-compress could make xz
          reduce the number of threads but it wouldn't make xz switch
          from multi-threaded mode to single-threaded mode or scale
          down the LZMA2 dictionary size. This seemed illogical.

          Now --memlimit-compress can make xz switch to single-threaded
          mode if one thread in multi-threaded mode uses too much
          memory. If memory usage is still too high, then the LZMA2
          dictionary size can be scaled down too.

          The option --no-adjust was also changed so that it no longer
          prevents xz from scaling down the number of threads as that
          doesn't affect compressed output (only performance). After
          this commit --no-adjust only prevents adjustments that affect
          compressed output, that is, with --no-adjust xz won't switch
          from multithreaded mode to single-threaded mode and won't
          scale down the LZMA2 dictionary size.

        - Added a new option --memlimit-decompress-mt=LIMIT. This is
          used to limit the number of decompressor threads (possibly
          falling back to single-threaded mode) but it will never make
          xz refuse to decompress a file. This has a system-specific
          default value because without any limit xz could end up
          allocating memory for the whole compressed input file, the
          whole uncompressed output file, multiple thread-specific
          decompressor instances and so on. Basically xz could
          attempt to use an insane amount of memory even with fairly
          common files.

          The new option works together with the existing option
          --memlimit-decompress=LIMIT. The old option sets a hard limit
          that must not be exceeded (xz will refuse to decompress)
          while the new option only restricts the number of threads.
          If the limit set with --memlimit-mt-decompress is greater
          than the limit set with --memlimit-compress, then the latter
          value is used also for --memlimit-mt-decompress.

    * Tests:

        - Added a few more tests.

        - Added tests/code_coverage.sh to create a code coverage report
          of the tests.

    * Build systems:

        - Automake's parallel test harness is now used to make tests
          finish faster.

        - Added the CMake files to the distribution tarball. These were
          supposed to be in 5.2.5 already.

        - Added liblzma tests to the CMake build.

        - Windows: Fix building of liblzma.dll with the included
          Visual Studio project files.

Lasse Collin

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