
I definitely understand what you're saying, I did not foresee some of the problems that are now arising.

The one change that I have made to the code, very recently, is that the default number of tags 'borrowed' is limited to 6, instead of 'Unlimited'. What was happening before was that any tag that was being used more then once was used by everyone, as you noted with '! mobiledesktop'. Now, with this change, users are simply tagging their links with a few relevant tags.

I'm very concerned about flooding with crap, as are you. I hope the change that I made will help to patch things up. If not, I'd be willing to work to a sane conclusion.


John Resig

On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:17 AM, joshua schachter wrote:


I can't quite put my finger on why, exactly, yet, but I'm not thrilled about "lazy sheep."

We've definitely been burned in the past by alternative posting interfaces silently corrupting user's data.

I'm also not thrilled about automatic tags and commenting; there should be some decision on the part of the user. The choice of tags seems somewhat abusable at the very worst, annoying at the best (for example, see!mobiledesktop for the dangers).

I have thought about adding a "read later" sort of quick bookmarklet, which would add at most a "system:readlater" tag but nothing else.

My instinct right now is to ban the use of this bookmarklet, unless anyone has any really good arguments.


joshua schachter

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