On 10/26/05, Brian Del Vecchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amir,  I am happy to oblige.

Thanks for the reply.

Obviously, I don't believe that people can be reduced to one or two words.

This is more of an exercise in entertainment, but some truth to those
one or two words would be desirable.


> As you can probably tell from my linkstream, I am a classic Pirate Elf.
> A pensive genius with a poetic heart, I bring flowers home with
> the milk and diapers.  At once saddened by the cruelty of mankind
> and hopeful for our redemption through love, I read Craigslist for
> entertainment.  But I mostly read comics, with all that this implies:
> pop erudition tinged with a scorching disdain for the mainstream.
> I finish other people's sentences when I'm impatient to get to the
> good part, but I still love a good knock-knock joke told by a five year old.
> I'm a hardcore freelance hacker (when I'm not at my day job) and the
> best sword fighter in the world.  I prefer single malt Scotch whiskey over
> Irish, and some day soon I hope to get my rocket car off blocks and back
> on the road.
> I hope that this is useful to you--let me know if you need more
> concrete numbers on all these.
> B
> On 10/26/05, Amir Michail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Could you tell me (perhaps by private email) which one or two words
> > would best describe your personality?  Ideally, the description would
> > be mildly entertaining  (e.g., bookworm, geek, party animal, etc.).
> > But of course, it should have some truth to it as well.
> >
> > Your feedback will help me add a personality feature to
> > CollaborativeRank that automatically puts del.icio.us users into
> > various categories based on their bookmarks.
> >
> > Amir
> >
> > P.S.  Your personality description would help me come up with an
> > algorithm, but there is no guarantee that you would actually end up
> > with that description.
> --
> Brian Del Vecchio   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://hybernaut.com/
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