On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 04:52:59PM +0100, Björn Lindström wrote:
> I agree. Actually, I tend to think that the for:-tags shouldn't really
> be implemented as tags. That is, you should somehow be able to send a
> bookmark to another user's for-page, but you shouldn't have to introduce
> another tag to do it.
> In particular, I don't like that the for:-tags clutter the normal view
> of my bookmarks.

I, too, have wondered whether the introduction of intra-tag syntax
is a wrong turn for the tagging movement.  I fear we are in the
proverbial position of the person with a hammer to which every
problem is a nail.

The original appeal of "tags" was that they were free-form
character strings which users would enter spontaneously and with a
minimum of cognitive effort.  If we need more structured metadata,
faceted classification, or executable operations which do more
than associate string X with object Y, then perhaps we should stop
calling these features "tags" and move them into their own namespace.

On the other hand, maybe del.icio.us has outgrown the limitations
of tags.  Maybe del.icio.us users have become sophisticated enough
that intra-tag syntaxes work fine for them.  Maybe del.icio.us
should be the social bookmarking system for people who like
grep(1). :-)

-- Prentiss Riddle ("aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada") [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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