
this feature has changed again. Now our own post in /url is indented
whereas it was colored before.

It's not easy to spot our own post in a page like
http://del.icio.us/url/1abf70447c6ef3cfb0abef059ec5aa6d (lifehacker),
I much preferred the old way.

I think it matters because I don't think of an easier way to see if I
have already bookmarked a link whether I am on that page, by using the
about shortcut in the toolbar, or if I am on delicious, by clicking the
"and n other people".

Right now, I don't have a fast way to see if I have already bookmarked
lifehacker. I can search my bookmarks or search the /url page for my
username. If anyone has a fastest system, please let me know.

Also, the /url page for lifehacker is more than 2MB. Don't you think
it's a bit heavy.licio.us for the bandwidth ?

It could be trimmed in, say, three parts :

1. The last 10 posts
2. user own post if any, colored :)
3. first post to see how old that bookmark is.

The long /url page could still be accessed.

Best Regards,


Michel G. wrote:

The feature I wrote about (below) is back. Thank you.

Michel G. wrote:

Until recently, you could click on the "and ... people" link and locate your post as it was on a yellow background. However, this feature has disappeared. Why ?

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