On Sat, 26 Dec 2009 00:55:12 +1100
Robert Spykerman <robert.spyker...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Robert, may you and all here and elsewhere enjoy the upcoming
celebrations and New Year!

I haven't had the time to pursue or discover the article or articles
which Warren referred to.  If I do discover anything along those lines
which approach what he shared, I'll post them in this thread.

Regarding what you posted however despite all the running around about
this "new architecture" you do understand that media people and
engineers paid to do media are rather loose in their definitions of
what they mean by "new" or really anything else -- even their
mathematics find new inventive realities which more often are
explorations of that dimension of imaginary numbers.  Remember that
universe of estimations and calculations affected by and related to the
square root of negative one?

The vast production of data generated by media are like that.  It may
be entertaining and many other things but one, no one, should believe
or accept the production at face value, no matter what it is or who
produces it.

The "new" thing which you should have noted from Plug Computer is what
the name tells you itself.  They are merely propagating what is old as
new; the "new" thing is the redesign of ARM technology so that it does
new functions at low energy costs -- which is truly a good thing.  But
this is as I shared elsewhere no more interesting that bending a paper
clip in a new way.  There are more uses for utilizing such a clip bent
in that new manner, but it is and remains just a paper clip -- Plug
Computer's "new" thingy is no more than that.

Here's one page which almost approaches the essence of the truth
regarding what they actually are doing -- read between the words and
the lines and you'll discover for yourself that there is a lot less to
their efforts than the hoopla they are creating around it.

Here's the link:  http://www.marvell.com/technologies/cputech.jsp

Now I've got to run lest my relatives proceed to engage upon my demise
in creative ways I would not be able to foresee.

Happy Holidays!!

> On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 8:44 AM, Derick Centeno <dcent...@ydl.net>
> wrote:
> > I wasn't aware of IBM's announcement.  I guess we are the lucky ones
> > who got these marvelous computers while they could be had.  Too bad
> > others won't have the opportunity to explore and develop varied
> > programming skills which these systems allow.
> I went down to the local EB the other day hoping the fat ps3s (be they
> second hand or old stock) would be significantly cheaper with the
> express notion of purchasing another....  Alas... not :(
> But hmm... there are a few interesting cheap-ish options. Been
> thinking of looking into these Sheeva thingies... ie
> http://www.plugcomputer.org/
> No particular reason. Just because they exist and are not x86's -
> Thank heavens they did not put atoms in them - I think one would make
> a really nice home server with low energy costs,  but it won't be fast
> for number crunching.
> Cheap ARM netbooks are probably also on the way. Hmm... if these
> succeed maybe we may see the evolution of small desktop ARM jobs...and
> maybe followed by bigger badder multicore ARMS with a lot of grunt.
> Hah, wishful thinking eh? Knowing ARM, probably not...but still they
> could try.
> IBM sure don't seem to be.
> I'm bitterly disappointed at (what I perceive to be) the continued
> decline of the powerpc architecture I have to say. But hey, I have a
> ps3. It runs linux (for now). And I can mess with it and mess with it
> I shall.
> > Well, Warren, have a wonderful celebration of the holidays and a
> > most splendid New Year!!  Likewise to all who are here!!!
> Likewise, seasons greetings to all!
> Cheers
> Robert


Refranes/Popular sayings:
The Taino say:No hay mal que por bien no venga.
There is no evil out of which good cannot blossom.

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