On 01/19/2012 12:44 PM, Darren Hart wrote:

On 01/19/2012 05:55 AM, Jim Abernathy wrote:
On 01/18/2012 04:34 PM, Darren Hart wrote:
On 01/18/2012 09:05 AM, Jim Abernathy wrote:

FYI for those wanting to use Soft RAID, make sure you create one very
small primary partition for GRUB2 to put the second part of the
boot-loader in.  Can't use the old process.
I strongly recommend using a separate DISK for your OS installation.
Yocto builds are hard on disks, and RAID 0 increases your risk of
failure in exchange for the added performance. I use a small SSD for my
OS disk and a large RAID0 array of spinning disks for /build and another
array for /virt (where my VM images live - easily recreated).

Learned a few things in this process. I appreciate all the help and advice.

  1. So we know that at least with Edison, btrfs does not work with bitbake.
  2. When I rebuilt the system, this time I put the Linux root directory
     on an 80GB SSD.  That is where I also have my clone of Linux-Yocto
     repository, poky, and download directory , DL_DIR.
  3. I have create /build with EXT4 format on a Software RAID 0 (striped)
     partition, using 2 separate hard drives,  to use as the working
     build directory for bitbake. I have a striped swap file on the same
     two drives.  But with 8GB or RAM, I shouldn't be using that much.

My build times for some of the basic meta-intel BSPs is around 103 minutes.
You may be able to improve upon that with the following in /etc/fstab:

/dev/md0  /build  ext4  noauto,noatime,nodiratime,commit=6000  0  2

This reduces the number of writes due to updated access time and
increases the commit interval so it doesn't stall while writing out
every 5 minutes per default.


If your machine goes down during a build, you should plan on formatting
that drive. If you only keep builds on it, they easily recreateable and
you may find the performance boost is worth the risk.

I'll test this out and see. I'm plan on keeping this system on a UPS anyway.

Jim S

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