
I have build x86 qemu image using "bitbake -k core-image-sato" following the instructions given at http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.1/yocto-project-qs/yocto-project-qs.html
I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 in VirtualBox 4.1.6.

When I run qemu, qemu starts apparently fine, but the qemu window stays black. So I'm suspecting that either it does not work in Virtualbox or I may have tochange some settings in qemu (e.g. -vga vmware).

Here's the output:

runqemu qemux86

Continuing with the following parameters:
KERNEL: [/home/jaufranc/edev/edison-6.0-build/tmp/deploy/images/bzImage-qemux86.bin] ROOTFS: [/home/jaufranc/edev/edison-6.0-build/tmp/deploy/images/core-image-minimal-qemux86.ext3]
FSTYPE: [ext3]
Setting up tap interface under sudo
Acquiring lockfile for tap0...
Starting distccd...
Running qemu...
/home/jaufranc/edev/edison-6.0-build/tmp/sysroots/i686-linux/usr/bin/qemu -kernel /home/jaufranc/edev/edison-6.0-build/tmp/deploy/images/bzImage-qemux86.bin -net nic,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no -hda /home/jaufranc/edev/edison-6.0-build/tmp/deploy/images/core-image-minimal-qemux86.ext3 -show-cursor -usb -usbdevice wacom-tablet -vga vmware -enable-gl -no-reboot -m 128 --append "vga=0 root=/dev/hda rw mem=128M ip= oprofile.timer=1 "
Enabling opengl

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