On 02/08/2012 06:01 PM, cnxsoft wrote:
On 09/02/2012 00:00, Scott Garman wrote:
On 02/08/2012 12:14 AM, cnxsoft wrote:

I have build x86 qemu image using "bitbake -k core-image-sato" following
the instructions given at

I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 in VirtualBox 4.1.6.

When I run qemu, qemu starts apparently fine, but the qemu window stays
black. So I'm suspecting that either it does not work in Virtualbox or I
may have tochange some settings in qemu (e.g. -vga vmware).

Have you installed the Virtualbox guest additions within your VM?

Fwiw I've not run into any issues doing this with a Fedora 14 and
Fedora 16 VM (other than the builds themselves being dog slow). I make
sure to install the guest additions in all my VMs.


Thanks Scott. Yes, I have Virtual Box guest additions installed. My host
is running Windows XP btw. And yes it was slow...the build for
core-image-minimal took around 36 hours...
I found a link with a Virtual Box issue
(https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Build_Appliance_Design), but it seem
related to the build itself rather than an issue while running qemu.

Hmmm...I'm not sure what to tell you. Really grasping for straws here - one thing you could try is to export the image and load it into VMWare Player and see if there is any difference. If not, that would implicate the guest distro (Ubuntu 11.10).


Scott Garman
Embedded Linux Engineer - Yocto Project
Intel Open Source Technology Center
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