On Tue, 26 Jun 2012, Paul Eggleton wrote:

> On Tuesday 26 June 2012 11:45:50 Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> >   since the ubiquitous reaction to complaining about something is
> > always, "don't just whine, do something about it," i'm doing that.
> > i've started a personal yocto FAQ, based on questions either i've
> > asked myself, or colleagues or clients have asked me, and i'm posting
> > them here (obviously a work in progress, typed in over the last hour):
> >
> > http://www.crashcourse.ca/wiki/index.php/Yocto_FAQ
> >
> >   i'm collecting questions that clearly belong in a "how do i do X?"
> > FAQ and, even if i don't know the answer, i'm still going to add the
> > question to remind me to *find* the answer.
> Just looking at that page, a couple of items spring to mind:
> 1) Why are you pointing people to the prefile/postfile options in preference 
> to
> just putting the "common, personal configuration" in local.conf?

  i thought that was the technique for centralizing personal config
preferences that you *didn't* want to manually copy into every
local.conf file you created.  if you add that personal content into
each local.conf, then of course you don't need those options.

> 2) Your IMAGE_INSTALL_append example needs a leading space in the string or it
> will almost certainly not work (or at least, it will only work when there's
> already a trailing space in the value of IMAGE_INSTALL).

  whoops, quite so.



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
LinkedIn:                               http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rpjday
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