Hi Koen,

On 27/06/12 15:59, Koen Kooi wrote:
> Yocto is NOT a distro. 

Is that so? :-), meta-yocto distro.conf:

DISTRO = "poky"
DISTRO_NAME = "Yocto (Built by Poky 7.0)"

I am well aware that textual meaning is pretty much constructed by the
reader, and that authorial intent is an elusive concept, but I am ready
to argue that the conventional understanding of the above is that Poky
is a build tool, and Yocto is the public name of the distro that you
build if you use meta-yocto. To read that as 'Yocto is NOT a distro' I
think requires a definite pre-understanding that Yocto is not a distro,
which would need to come from some other source (or perhaps it is an
axiom of faith; myself, I tend hold firmly to the authority of the
source code alone). I shall not deny you the right to hold to such a
reading, but I do reserve the right to deconstruct it. :-)

> This thread highlights the reason the oe folks have been pushing to get rid 
> of the 'poky' name completely

Perhaps one of the reasons; but then the erasure of Poky would mean that
you could no longer say 'Yocto is a NOT a distro', which I suspect would
achieve the very opposite of what you seek (and, perhaps more
importantly, might cost Dave and Saul a lunch or two). Personally, I
think much better solution would be if the distro was simply called Poky
v7.0, then we could all say 'Yocto is NOT a distro!' with conviction.
Plus Poky is such a lovely name, don't you think? ;-)

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