I found in *meta-fsl-arm/conf/machine/include/imx-base.inc *the following

*IMAGE_FSTYPES ?= "tar.bz2 ext3 sdcard"*

Hence, according to this configuration, .sdcard file should be created
but pparently
it is overwritten somewhere else...

I also found the configuration to reduce sdcard file size which is into *

I reduced SDCARD_SIZE from 3.4GB to 1GB
# Default to 1.0GiB images
*SDCARD_SIZE ?= "1000"*
I'm using Yocto packed for Freescale provided by
and I'm
building the image using Hob but I can't find sdcard as output format in
the graphic interface....

Where is the right point to place* *IMAGE_FSTYPES configuration?



Dott. Ing. Giovanni Foiani

Cell:        +39-349-3577515
Phone:    +39-0532-97-4106
mail:        giovanni.foi...@unife.it
CenTec - Corso Guercino, 47 - 44042 Cento (FE)

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Giovanni Foiani <fno...@unife.it> wrote:

> Please look at my notes below..
> Thanks
> Giovanni
> --
> Dott. Ing. Giovanni Foiani
> Cell:        +39-349-3577515
> Phone:    +39-0532-97-4106
> mail:        giovanni.foi...@unife.it
> CenTec - Corso Guercino, 47 - 44042 Cento (FE)
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 10:56 AM, Andrei Gherzan <and...@gherzan.ro>wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Giovanni Foiani <fno...@unife.it>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I built some images using the latest Yocto release (with Hob) on a
>>> Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit, but when the process finishes (with success) I can't
>>> find .sdcard files into "*tmp/deploy/images*" folder.
>> Not all images create .sdcard files. What image are you talking about? sd
>> images are used for machines like imx / rpi where rootfs and/or kernel
>> and/or boot-loader are used from sd. In qemu ext3 images are used for
>> rootfs and kernel loaded separately.
> I'm building images for iMX53QSB so my situation is where rootfs and/or
> kernel and/or boot-loader are used from sd card.
> I'm trying to build a qt4-demo-image, do I have to put any configuration
> into qt4-demo-image.bb to enable .sdcard creation?
>> Some time ago I built some other images using a Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit and
>>> .sdcard files were created properly.
>>> Could it be a problem of max file size in Ubuntu 10.04?
>>> Another question...sdcard files that I built using Ubuntu 11.04 (32 bit)
>>> were about 3 GByte, is there a way or configuration to reduce this size?
>>> Yes. Use a compression extension. For example sdcard.xz.
> Is this also a  qt4-demo-image.bb configuration to set?
> Thanks
>> ag
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