On 8 Oct 2012, at 22:03, Chris Tapp wrote:

> On 8 Oct 2012, at 21:30, Bodke, Kishore K wrote:
> < snip ... >
> Thanks for the really fast response on this :-)
>> For denzil, try with this by creating a new file in 
>> meta-cedartrail/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend.
>> FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:"
>> SRC_URI_cedartrail-nopvr = 
>> "git://git.yoctoproject.org/linux-yocto-3.2;protocol=git;nocheckout=1;branch=${KBRANCH},meta;name=machine,meta"
> I had to add 'bareclone=1' to this to get it to run.
>> COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_cedartrail-nopvr = "cedartrail"
>> KMACHINE_cedartrail-nopvr  = "cedartrail"
>> KBRANCH_cedartrail-nopvr  = "yocto/standard/cedartrail"
>> KERNEL_FEATURES_append_cedartrail-nopvr += " cfg/smp.scc"
>> SRCREV_machine_pn-linux-yocto_cedartrail-nopvr ?= 
>> "8b8cfaaab2b8d79ac56e8c9a85bad9ae7bca399c"
>> SRCREV_meta_pn-linux-yocto_cedartrail-nopvr ?= 
>> "486f7aec824b4127e91ef53228823e996b3696f0"
> I think it's nearly there, but I get a failure when validating the branch:
> NOTE: package 
> linux-yocto-3.2.18+git1+486f7aec824b4127e91ef53228823e996b3696f0_1+8b8cfaaab2b8d79ac56e8c9a85bad9ae7bca399c-r1:
>  task do_validate_branches: Started
> ERROR: Function failed: do_validate_branches (see 
> /media/SSD-RAID/build-denzil-git-sjs-cedartrail/tmp/work/cedartrail_nopvr-sjs-linux/linux-yocto-3.2.18+git1+486f7aec824b4127e91ef53228823e996b3696f0_1+8b8cfaaab2b8d79ac56e8c9a85bad9ae7bca399c-r1/temp/log.do_validate_branches.25866
>  for further information)
> ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
> /media/SSD-RAID/build-denzil-git-sjs-cedartrail/tmp/work/cedartrail_nopvr-sjs-linux/linux-yocto-3.2.18+git1+486f7aec824b4127e91ef53228823e996b3696f0_1+8b8cfaaab2b8d79ac56e8c9a85bad9ae7bca399c-r1/temp/log.do_validate_branches.25866
> Log data follows:
> | ERROR: Function failed: do_validate_branches (see 
> /media/SSD-RAID/build-denzil-git-sjs-cedartrail/tmp/work/cedartrail_nopvr-sjs-linux/linux-yocto-3.2.18+git1+486f7aec824b4127e91ef53228823e996b3696f0_1+8b8cfaaab2b8d79ac56e8c9a85bad9ae7bca399c-r1/temp/log.do_validate_branches.25866
>  for further information)
> NOTE: package 
> linux-yocto-3.2.18+git1+486f7aec824b4127e91ef53228823e996b3696f0_1+8b8cfaaab2b8d79ac56e8c9a85bad9ae7bca399c-r1:
>  task do_validate_branches: Failed
> ERROR: Task 0 
> (/media/SSD-RAID/poky-git/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.2.bb, 
> do_validate_branches) failed with exit code '1'

Got it - I should have realised this would need to be using the latest denzil 

I've now got a working unionfs. A few minor kernel configuration issues to sort 
(e.g. Apple HID for my keyboard) and I'll be there.

Thanks again for the help.

One final question - does lack of PVR mean I won't have a framebuffer device? 
I've got the vesa one, but I can't use video=... in the kernel command line. 
Not a show stopper by any means, but the video= stanza is much easier for 
general users to modify.

>> Add these below lines to meta-cedartrail/conf/machine/cedartrail-nopvr.conf
>> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "linux-yocto"
>> PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-yocto ?= "3.2%"
>> Add  MACHINE = "cedartrail-nopvr" to your local.conf and build. 
>> Ofcourse you should be adding your unionfs related stuff by some means 
>> either by menuconfig or by creating .scc file.
> Of course, and that's the bit I understand ;-)
>> Thanks
>> Kishore.
> Chris Tapp
> opensou...@keylevel.com
> www.keylevel.com
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Chris Tapp


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