I'm new to yocto, so I'm probably not going about this in the optimum way.

I'm trying to add package management to a yocto build. My preference would be 
yum/rpm on a rh/centos/fedora distro (as that's the distro used elsewhere), but 
I don't think that's feasible.

I've added:
IMAGE_FEATURES += "package-management"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " apt perl"

to the bottom of …conf/local.conf (I started without the perl, which I added to 
fix this specific issue). However, when I run
bitbake core-image-minimal
I get the following error
[tim@mercury mybuilds]$ less 
DEBUG: Executing shell function do_rootfs
Generating solve db for /opt/poky/mybuilds/tmp/deploy/rpm/qemuarm...
Generating solve db for /opt/poky/mybuilds/tmp/deploy/rpm/armv5te...
Generating solve db for /opt/poky/mybuilds/tmp/deploy/rpm/all...
Generating solve db for /opt/poky/mybuilds/tmp/deploy/rpm/all...
Processing rpm...
Processing zypper...
Processing packagegroup-core-boot...
Processing apt...
Processing perl...
error: Failed dependencies:
       /opt/poky/mybuilds/tmp/sysroots/i686-linux/usr/bin/perl-native/perl is 
needed by dpkg-1.16.8-r18.0.armv5te
ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs (see 
 for further information)

the rpm for dpkg-1.16.8-r18.0.armv5te does indeed include that dependency. 
However, the file *is* present:
[tim@mercury mybuilds]$ ll 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tim tim 244 Dec 10 11:04 

… and since it's a couple of days old, I can see that adding perl after apt to 
IMAGE_INSTALL_append is pointless.

Have I missed something obvious? Is this a real issue?

Should I add a package manager some other way in any case?

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