On Mar 3, 2013, at 4:12 AM, Satya Swaroop DAMARLA <swar...@weisser.at> wrote:

> hi Rudy, hi guys
> Thank you for the chnages to be made. I always do in two steps, I fetch all 
> and then compile the image...
> After fetching then I renamed the file to defconfig. but can you tell where 
> should I add "do_fetch_append". Should I add in linux-skidata.bbappend (if 
> here where should this append file should be?) or in linux-skidata.bb itself?
> An other important question is how does the kernel decide about the device 
> compiler tree... I have several device tree compilers and I want to know 
> which parameter is used to and where should this parameter be placed so that 
> the kernel and uboot use the right device tree compiler. I think this would 
> end my troubles on the whole and I can start playing witht the kernel in the 
> near future :)

for device tee you would 

require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-dtb.inc  

in your kernel recipe and then in your machine config
data define KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${S}/git/.…."
this is the path to dts file and you can have more than
one fie each separated by a space in above definition
resulting dtb files will show up in deploy_dir



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