I've been working with denzil, but decided to try and upgrade to dylan...

Downloading and installing poky-dylan-9.0.1.tar.bz2 went fine.
Finding and downloading meta-crownbay-dylan-9.0.0.tar.bz2 was easy enough.

But neither of these give me meta-intel.

So the central question is: how do I find and download a released package
that contains meta-intel that's required by meta-crownbay?  A second
question is whether I'd have had problems anyway, given that dylan is 9.0.1
and the BSP is 9.0.0.

I can do a git of meta-intel, but that apparently gives me a snapshot that
doesn't play well with the released poky.  I can do a git of poky, then a
git of meta-intel...I still needed to do a bit of tweaking but I could
bitbake core-image-minimal.  Now I'm having problems with adt_install,
apparently because the scripts all think my release is 1.4+snapshot, which
breaks the repository links and the opkg install.  I seem to have gotten
around these, too, but if someone has something for me to test using
released packages, I'm willing, at the moment, to start from scratch.

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