On 04/09/2013 21:58, JC wrote:
On 04/09/2013 20:58, JC wrote:

In my project, we have our own rpm repository and we use smartpm on the target. In order to have the target setup with the repo out of the box, we of course have added "package-management" in IMAGE_FEATURES. Now I'd like the target to have our repo address already configured.

The best way I found was to create a recipe in my overlay and hacking the system a little bit this way :
do_install() {
if ${@base_contains('IMAGE_FEATURES','package-management','true','false',d)}; then
        install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}
        install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/config.in ${D}/var/lib/smart/config

where "config.in" is a simple copy of the non-human readable version of smartpm config file, generated manually on the target.

I was wondering if there would be a better way such as do not test in the do_install, but rather make the recipe dependent on the "package-management" image feature ? (so that do_install wouldn't even be considered if the option is not set), or any other smarter idea.

Actually I _need_ a better idea because mine doesn't work: it actually creates what I want (/var/lib/smart/config) but since do_rootfs also uses this directory to install packages, it wipes it out at the end of the process... so my installation is removed :(

I'm sure someone else did something like this (but succeeded) ?

The guilty line is in /sources/poky/meta/classes/rootfs_rpm.bbclass

145:         rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/var/lib/smart


Whatever I want to do with packages, It'll be removed. There's probably an alternate way :(

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