
After looking more and more into yocto, one of the main issues for me is the
process to set up a project properly, including all layers and conf options.
Especially those which would be needed to set exactly the same way again and
again every time somebody needs to reproduce a build.

So I've come up with an idea: a small tool that can handle these things for me.
And here it is for your enjoyment/use/abuse/comments:

Short excerpt from the README:

But be warned first. Blubber is still in pre-pre-pre-alpha stage (more like a
proof of concept), and has the following defects/bugs/non-features:
- Horribly bad python code (Yes, its really that bad. Blame me, its my first
attempt to use that language)
- No error checking whatsoever
- Largely incomplete feature set
- Did I already mention the utterly bad code?
- Only supports git sources so far.

Despite that, it can already do some magic:
- Getting poky and layers from git, and checking out branches/tags/commits if
- Accordingly setting up build/conf/bblayers.conf
- Setting up build/conf/local.conf with a set of predefined options
- Running arbitrary commands with proper shell setup (source-ed
poky/oe-init-build-env) for the configured project.

If anybody has feedback, just scream loudly. Or if anybody knows of a better
solution making it all obsolete, please also scream. Thanks!

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