I'm sure I'll get tired of looking at this eventually, and learn to
love the normal ncurses style interface of bitbake.  But things are
still new enough to me that I want to know what's going on.

As you know, when we bitbake a recipe, we see lots of messages about
individual tasks that are run as they are being run (do_fetch,
do_configure, etc…), and then a final summary message that reads
something like:

NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 690 tasks of which 677 didn't need to
be rerun and all succeeded.

I'm curious:
1) What were the 13 tasks that ran?
2) Why are there 690 tasks for my simple recipe anyway?

Is there some way to preserve the list of 13 tasks that were run?  Are
they listed in a logfile through which I could grep "running task
<blah>" or "task <blah> skipped"?

Also, as I've been playing with my simple recipe, I find myself
frequently wanting to start from a totally clean slate, so I

$ bitbake myrecipe -c cleanall

But I notice that tmp/work/arm<TAB>/myrecipe still exists, so, in my
paranoia, I like to rm -rf tmp/work/arm<TAB>/myrecipe just to make
sure that my clean slate really is clean.  I don't see a
"cleanevenmorethanall" task listed with -c listtasks.
1) Is there any harm done in rm -rf tmp/work/arm<TAB>/myrecipe?
2) Is there an eqivalent to a cleanevenmorethanall task that would do
that for me?

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