On 26.09.2014 15:17, TakkTakk wrote:
> ok, I removed uEnv.txt, pressed the boot switch.
> Starting kernel ... and hang.
> why - "Image Name:   Linux-3.14.0-yocto-standard " ?

I don't have a solution to your problem, but I can at least assure to
you that you are not alone ;)

I'm facing the same problem. I have a Beaglebone Black Rev. A6 which
boots fine with Yocto 1.6 (no meta-beaglebone) and kernel 3.14.
On another newer board with Rev. B it hangs after "Starting Kernel". I
have no idea why.

According to the elinux.org wiki the difference between Revision A and B
is mainly another Version of the SoC (AM3358BZCZ100 in Rev. B and
AM3359AZCZ100 in Rev. A).

Did you manage to fix your problem by now?

- Andy

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