On 15-01-26 11:54 PM, Yani Dubin wrote:

I have run up against a kernel bug on the dizzy branch where a read of an ADC channel (IIO bus) on a Sitara (am335x) processor locks up the process reading the /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_voltage?_raw node. The system remains stable, but the locked process does not respond to SIGKILL. No kernel errors or debugging info in the logs - but I have taken no steps to improve verbosity. fuser shows the files as being open by the crashed process.

I did google the issue, but turned up nothing. This is very reproduceable, and I have done my best to narrow it down on the dizzy timeline. In each case I have used the same rootfs (built from dizzy tip), but just flashed a different kernel.

The (yocto) changesets in question are:
36e42c0ddb7a40b3022e9b165560622479f1aa5c  - 3.14.26ltsi exhibits issue
446acfb5a474b23041b46c49732474f2d415160d   - 3.14.24 doesn't build
d7c61053da96d675c3912a45ee448c20ae91721b - 3.14.19 issue not present

The build error in question is "ERROR: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision fba2d0cdb745e0f807ce134fd9d1524b7bed9742 in branch meta even from upstream".

These are 3 adjacent changesets on the dizzy branch - I gather that is as much as I can narrow it down?

Should I be submitting this bug to yocto bugzilla (since it affects the stable release, and I am using linux-yocto) or a linux kernel bug tracker / mailing list? Or is there further information I should be getting (enabling kernel debugging / increasing verbosity perhaps)? Should I do a build off the unstable branch for comparison? (to see if this has a newer kernel, with upstream fix which resolves the issue)

We may need to get your help in tracking the problem down, since without
the h/w on hand, it will be difficult to figure out what changed between the
working and non-working revisions.

I have some additional 3.14 updates queued, and they may fix the issue ..
but again, I can't say for sure.

Are you able to bisect the kernel directly ? I only submit SRCREV updates to
the linux-yocto recipes at particular milestones, but within the kernel we
obviously have more granularity.

After you've built the kernel the first time, you can head into devshell and
then use the unpacked and patched src tree and do a normal git bisect/build
workflow. You'd need to copy the resulting kernels out to your target, but that
would narrow down the bad commit/merge pretty quickly.


Meanwhile, I thought I would see if anyone else is experiencing this, or has similar hardware and can see if they are also affected. This is a custom board, but similar processor-wise to the Beaglebone Black.

Steps to reproduce:
cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_voltage?_raw

The particular drivers in use are:


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