Hi Todor,

Thank you for your  reply.

By default we have the setting like this only.

But we got the error.

From: Minchev, Todor <todor.minc...@intel.com>
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 4:05 PM
To: Raghavendra Kakarla
Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: Re: [yocto] Issue with yocto ADT

Hello Raghavendra,

Please try the following:

Right click on your project - Properties - C/C++ Build - Select the
'Behavior' tab - untick 'Build on resource save' and remove 'all' from
the 'Build' field


On Fri, 2015-05-15 at 09:32 +0000, Raghavendra Kakarla wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have problem with the ADT while i am building the autotool example
> helloword project which is given in the "yocto ADT autotool project".
> Could you please help me in resolving this issue.
> I followed the following steps for installing the adt in my
> development PC:
> I built the toolchain using the following command:
> $cd ~/poky
> $source ./oe-init-build-env
> $bitbake meta-ide-support
> Extract the root file system by using the following commands:
> $cd ~
> $source ~/poky/build/tmp/environment-setup-mips32r2el-poky-linux
> $runqemu-extract-sdk \
>         ~/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/arqlyn/
> core-image-minimal-dhruwa_ioe-20150511102759.rootfs.tar.bz2\
>         $HOME/arqlyn
> I followed the command given in the yocto project dev-manual for
> installing eclipse and adding yocto plugin to eclipse.
> I Gave the following data to the eclipse for configuring the
> cross-compiler options:
> 1. I select the "Build System Derived Toolchain"
> 2.point the toolchain path to "home/testuser/poky/build"
> 3.gave sysroot path to /home/testuser/arqlyn
> After entered this information I got the my machine-name in the
> "select the target architecture" filed.
> After this I create a autotool support project and tried to build but
> it gives the error.
> Regards,
> Raghavendra.
> --
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