> From: Daniel. [mailto:danielhi...@gmail.com] 
> If there is any process using the mount point the umount may 
> fail. If you have a bash running in a folder from the mounted 
> filesystem is the sufficient to umount fail.
> You can use the fuser -m MOUTPOINT to check this. Adding -k 
> would kill all process using that mount point.

Now I'm totally confused. Renaming /bin/umount to something else, and then
plugging in the drive, is no longer leaving the successful mount intact. I
saw it do this twice, but it's not doing it any more. I even tried
replacing /bin/umount with a script that ran fuser with the results going
to a file, and it's never being invoked. But the missing /bin/umount does
indeed screw things up, giving me a slew of FAT-fs read errors. It also
leaves /run/media/sdb1 as an empty directory that can't be deleted
("Device or resource busy") even though fuser doesn't show any processes
using it.

This makes no sense. How can this auto-mounting not work? Is it known to
be brittle, or is it believed to be reliable? All I did was include
udev-extraconf in my build.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pdero...@ix.netcom.com

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