On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 4:26 PM, Allen Curtis
<allen.cur...@curtisembedded.com> wrote:
> I am working with a BSP that has multiple image recipes.
> foo-hwbringup-image.bb
> foo-qt5demo-image.bb
> foo-qt5demo-image.bb contains "require foo-hwbringup-image.bb"
> However if I create foo-hwbringup-image.bbappend, it gets ignored.
> What are the rules with appending included recipes?

you can only append to a 'recipe' file, e.g. the .bb file.

If xyz.bb file includes/requires abc.bb, you recipe name still is xyz.
So you can use xyz.bbappend, but abc.bbappend won't be read/processed.
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