My x86 system, built with Yocto Fido, boots from /dev/sda2 on a USB flash
drive. There's another partition on /dev/sda1 which I wish to mount with a
systemd mount unit, or with a line in /etc/fstab. But either way is
failing because /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /media/sda1. Lennart over
at the systemd list suggested it might be udisks doing this, but I don't
see any files matching *udisks* anywhere in my file system, or even in my
build tree.

An older version of this system, built two years ago with Dylan, doesn't
have this problem. Nothing relevant changed in my meta-data, so somewhere
else in this gigantic universe something has changed. Does anyone know
what bit of software would be responsible for automounting my /dev/sda1
partition, which is not my root file system, and doing so before fstab or
systemd mounts are processed?

Also, when /dev/sda2 (my root file system) is mounted, it gets certain
default options. Is there a way to modify these options? I'd like to
include noatime, to avoid needless writes to my flash drive.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco

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