> On Sep 26, 2015, at 10:39 AM, Paul D. DeRocco <pdero...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> My x86 system, built with Yocto Fido, boots from /dev/sda2 on a USB flash
> drive. There's another partition on /dev/sda1 which I wish to mount with a
> systemd mount unit, or with a line in /etc/fstab. But either way is
> failing because /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /media/sda1. Lennart over
> at the systemd list suggested it might be udisks doing this, but I don't
> see any files matching *udisks* anywhere in my file system, or even in my
> build tree.
> An older version of this system, built two years ago with Dylan, doesn't
> have this problem. Nothing relevant changed in my meta-data, so somewhere
> else in this gigantic universe something has changed. Does anyone know
> what bit of software would be responsible for automounting my /dev/sda1
> partition, which is not my root file system, and doing so before fstab or
> systemd mounts are processed?

are you installing udev-extraconf into image? IIRC that was doing it in my cases
some time ago.

> Also, when /dev/sda2 (my root file system) is mounted, it gets certain
> default options. Is there a way to modify these options? I'd like to
> include noatime, to avoid needless writes to my flash drive.
> --
> Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
> Paul                mailto:pdero...@ix.netcom.com
> --
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