On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:20 PM, Roberto <ramat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Roberto,

> I apologise if this is not the right channel for asking the following
> question. If so, please advise me on a more appropriate support channel.
> I am looking for the quickest workflow for debugging a recipe. I basically
> need to modify a recipe, deploy the entire distribution to the target board
> and test it.
> have come to the conclusion that the quickest way is to boot the target
> board through TFTP for the kernel and then mount the rootfs via NFS.
> In my view, the only issue of this workflow is that when I bitbake the image
> it creates a compressed rootfs that then I have to uncompress in order to
> provide the rootfs to the target board via NFS.
> Is there any way to avoid bitbake compressing the rootfs but rather having
> it uncompressed in some folders under tmp/deploy ?

See the "IMAGE_TYPES" variable for a list of rootfs types which are
supported. There's support for creating an uncompressed .tar file, but
I don't see any support for creating a rootfs directory under

Depending on your work flow there are a few different solutions
though. You could extend
openembedded-core/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass to do what you want
(e.g. define a new image type or hack "IMAGE_CMD_tar" so that it also
untars rootfs.tar right after creating it). Or you could ignore OE's
image creation and manually copy or rsync your image's rootfs ( under
tmp/work/<MACHINE>.../<IMAGE>/.../rootfs ) to the directory exported
by your NFS server. Note that you probably shouldn't export
tmp/work/.../rootfs directly since when the target boots it will
create files owned by root, which will cause problems later if you try
to rebuild or modify the rootfs.

> Regards,
> Roberto
> --
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