On 11/24/2017 03:59 PM, Koehler, Yannick wrote:

I had pretty much done all that is documented under 4.21 of this
documentation.  I can execute my test within the image using
"ptest_runner" and I see it PASS/FAIL according to my test's content.
So that's great, but the problem with this is still that I need to
manually invoke qemu and initiate the ptest-runner script.  I would
like that to occurs from within the testimage using Image test as
describe under https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Image_tests.  Yet
it seems that to get image test support I need to write additional
python test scripts which I feel is excessive and since those scripts
are not store within the recipe folder, I feel those test are more
MACHINE testing than package testing.

I would like to use 1 python test to execute and report the result of
one or more ptest, in the same automatic way image test does.  I
cannot see or connect the dot between ptest and image test by reading
and re-reading section 4.21.

Right, I see. The unattended runtime execution of ptests should be performed by meta/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/ptest.py, I don't at the moment remember how the pieces fit together exactly so that it runs, but I think if you follow what it says [1] and run bitbake -c testimage <image> then it should work.

@skipIfNotFeature('ptest', 'Test requires ptest to be in DISTRO_FEATURES') @skipIfNotFeature('ptest-pkgs', 'Test requires ptest-pkgs to be in IMAGE_FEATURES')

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