On 03/27/2018 07:42 AM, Tom Gibson wrote:
> Hi,
> I am adding ClamAV to our custom image and have added the following to
> our main .bb file:

Are you using the recipe from meta-security ?

- Armin
> IMAGE_INSTALL += “ clamav clamav-daemon clamav-clamdscan”
> When I run clamscan on our board I get a number of errors of the form
> “logical signature for … uses PCREs but support is disabled, skipping”
> so the solution would appear to be to add PCRE support. In the ClamAV
> bitbake recipe I see there is a PACKAGECONFIG variable for PCRE, so to
> test if this is the solution I have added the following to my local.conf:
> PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-clamav = “ pcre”
> and have also added “ libpcre2” before “clamav” in the IMAGE_INSTALL
> as above.
> Unfortunately when I run bitbake I now get a configure error similar
> to the following:
> configure: error: cannot locate libpcre2 or libpcre at
> <builddir>/tmp/work/armv7a-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/clamav/0.99.3-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/lib
> I have attempted to solve this by creating a .bbappend file in my
> layer containing the following to try and force it to build libpcre first
>                 DEPENDS += “ libpcre2”
> however this has no effect on the error, I assume this may not be the
> way to solve the dependency problem.
> Can anyone please advise what additional configuration is required to
> enable building of support for PCRE into ClamAV
> Thanks in advance for your assistance!
> Regards,
> Tom Gibson
> C Software Limited

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