On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 11:12 PM, Trevor Woerner <twoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
Removed mesa-dev - this is oe specific only.
> Even without the patch, simply adding:
>         PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-mesa = "dri3"
I checked again: BOTH meta-raspi-light and meta-raspberrypi do not
enable dri3 by default. Was sure to have checked that but since I am
working on too many issues at the same time I got confused
somewhere... Will send out something like [1] to meta-raspberrypi -
just to make sure this does not happen again. One of the next steps
for me will be migrating back to meta-raspberrypi anyway.
> to my conf/local.conf has glmark2-es2 running, and chromium-x11 is running
> accelerated out-of-the-box (i.e. I don't have to install the egl/gles
> libraries it builds itself).
Cool - have not seen it running without issues for very long time...
> I'm re-building my rpi3-64 image to see if things are better there too under
> vc4.
You'll let me know I guess...
> I guess the patch is to address some of the other things you were seeing?
No - after enabling dri3 all I tested so far was perfectly fine. But
maybe other graphic drivers are affected.



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