Hi Trevor,

On 2 April 2018 at 23:09, Trevor Woerner <twoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon 2018-04-02 @ 11:46:39 PM, Andreas Müller wrote:
>> > to my conf/local.conf has glmark2-es2 running, and chromium-x11 is running
>> > accelerated out-of-the-box (i.e. I don't have to install the egl/gles
>> > libraries it builds itself).
>> Cool - have not seen it running without issues for very long time...
> Yes, this is a very nice side effect of your digging into this apparently
> un-related issue! :-)
> In my own layers I had a .bbappend that was copying the chromium-built
> egl/gles libraries to the target, but it doesn't look like this is needed
> anymore. I posted complete information here (as part of an issue you had
> originally opened):
> https://github.com/OSSystems/meta-browser/pull/82#issuecomment-353528110

Right, you shouldn't need that at all. It's unlikely to do any good.
If it does solve anything, we'd love to hear about what so we can try
to fix it, like with this one.

>> > I'm re-building my rpi3-64 image to see if things are better there too 
>> > under
>> > vc4.
>> You'll let me know I guess...
> Absolutely! But, you know chromium... I'll need an hour or two... ;-)
> (my image has chromium, glmark2, mesa-demos, directfb, directfb-examples, Qt,
> and a bunch of Qt demos. sadly, the directfb examples always work, it's
> everything else that's a coin-toss!! haha)

Right, Weston/etc would've worked fine as well: this is solely broken
on X11 with DRI3 disabled.

>> > I guess the patch is to address some of the other things you were seeing?
>> No - after enabling dri3 all I tested so far was perfectly fine. But
>> maybe other graphic drivers are affected.
> Now I'm confused: is the patch needed?

Yes and no. It only affects DRI2. Merging the patch fixes DRI2. Using
DRI3 avoids the problem altogether, and is better to be doing anyway.
If the recipes are going to continue to offer the option to disable
DRI3 and go DRI2-only with X11, then making sure that's fixed is
prudent. But the default should very definitely be DRI3.

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