Thanks very much for this Shan. I have that book and was working through it
yesterday, as a matter of fact.

That part which is confusing to me in that recipe is that the SRC_URI
points to every single file, there is a "inherit setuptools" line and also
a do_install_append. I'm not sure how each of these are working together to
get the application installed. I believe that the "inherit setuptools" will
automatically run "python install", but when then is the source
code manually copied over?


On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 2:13 AM Shantanoo Desai <> wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> What you need in the .bb is a runtime-dependency. RDEPENDS_${PN} += “
> ${PYTHON_PN}-flask ${PYTHON_PN}-jinja ${PYTHON_PN}-markdown” and so on.
> This will add these modules in the root-filesystem and will be available on
> the target.
> If you need some basic help with a python recipe, there is a git
> repository YoctoCookbook
> to get you some idea.
> Please not I am in no ways a Yocto expert on recipe creations but for the
> past few weeks this is what I have been able to discover. Due to lack of
> examples on custom recipes in python this is the best I can help you with.
> Best Regards,
> Shan
> *Von:* <> *Im
> Auft**rag von *Brian Zambrano
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2018 00:52
> *An:*
> *Betreff:* [yocto] Installing Python app from source
> I'm trying to install my own Python application from source, and having a
> hard time finding resources on how to accomplish it. I'm new to this
> ecosystem and am probably missing something fundamental.
> My recipe is structured like this...and my build is configure such that it
> does actually find it.
> ├── firmware-1.0
> │   ├── saunders_backend
> │   └── saunders_frontend
> └──
> My application code which is for now just a "hello world" flask
> application, is in saunders_backend. The file in there works as
> expected when I use it in on my host machine.
> ├── firmware-1.0
> │   ├── saunders_backend/
> │   │   ├── bin/
> │   │   │   └── server
> │   │   ├──
> │   │   ├── requirements.txt
> │   │   ├── saunders_apollo/
> │   │   │   ├──
> │   │   │   ├──
> │   │   │   ├──
> │   │   │   ├── static/
> │   │   │   ├── templates/
> │   │   │   └──
> │   │   └──
> │   └── saunders_frontend/
> └──
> I've been hacking on the .bb files to get it to install this into the
> resulting image. I do have IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " firmware" in the
> top-level local.conf.
> My primary confusion is that I don't know what I should be using for the
> python application. do_install, do_install_append? What should SRC_UIR be?
> In effect is that I want the exact same behavior of "cd saunders_backend
> && pip install ." My file has install_requires with a list of
> all dependencies, which now is merely Flask.
> Pointers would be appreciated.
> BZ
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