You have to refactor the Icecast bitbake recipe to use pkg-config instead
of xslt-config.

This patch might give you some ideas:

I patched modsecurity to fix the same issue. It mostly works, but their
build fails in certain configurations. Feel free to check my patch if you
dare, but I am not an autotools expert, and probably did something wrong.


On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 10:35 AM Igor Miranda <>

> Hey guys, I'm trying to compile the Icecast, but I'm getting the
> xslt-config error, which says that I need to change to pkg-config, but I
> dont know how to do this. Should I do a patch? Or its more easy to change
> something in the Yocto to enable the use of the xslt-config? If I need to
> use a patch, can someone explain to me how do I do something or can someone
> send me a patch that works. Please!!!! I dont have more time, I need to
> give this project, working, as soon as possible. HELP ME!
> --
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