On 5/9/19 12:55 AM, Bas Mevissen wrote:
> On 2019-05-07 20:18, Behan Webster wrote:
> (...)
>> > Yes, both for LF and YP it are off-the-shelf trainings that do not
>> require much preparation.
>> Speaking as a course maintainer for LF, keeping the YP course updated
>> is actually a tremendous amount of work (I'm the co-maintainer for
>> the LF YP course).
>> However, the beginner slides tend not to need more than a few hours
>> of updates every 6 months (which again is something I do).
>> Either may appear off-the-shelf, but they aren't from my perspective. ;)
> An additional training date would probably not require much extra I
> assume. As the training is given already a few times a year.
> But it is good to hear the training is kept up to date.
Its not the material, need or willingness of the community to help that
is at issue. Its cost.
The more members we have the more we can do. 

>> Thanks,
>> Behan
> -- Bas.

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