On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:58 AM Gabriele Zampieri
<gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> you could define two machines, where the manufacturing one is just an overlay 
> of the production one. If the two kernels differs only for their config, you 
> can specify different defconfig based on machine. If you need a completely 
> different kernel, just specify  PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel in 
> manufacturing overlay

Hi Gabriele,
I wondered about that, but I get confused about the MACHINE concept in

1. If I define a new machine, but I have a lot of recipes conditioned
on the old machine, how do I say "This is the same as machine A, but
with these differences"?  I have defined a machine now ("mymachine")
and have recipes and .bbappend files with things like this in them:

SRC_URI_mymachine += "file:/blah/blah/blah"
do_install_append_mymachine() {

Do I have to replicate (and maintain) all of the references to
mymachine to also refer to my newly defined "installationmachine"?  Or
can I tell Bitbake that "installationmachine" is the same as
"mymachine", and just add/change new stuff for "installationmachine"?

I hope my confusion here makes sense, but since it's confusion, it's
tough to tell :-)

2. My new image going to be used as an installation image for my
production image.  So I need to include the production image (for
MACHINE="mymachine")) deploy products in the image for my installation
image.  How can I do that if I define a new MACHINE for the production

Thank you so much for the suggestion... it confirms that I am looking
in the right places and thinking about the right things... I just
don't know how to solve this problem.

I'm also surprised that it's not a more general problem... which leads
me to believe that I must be thinking about this the wrong way.

Thanks again.

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