On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 10:03 AM Gabriele Zampieri
<gabbla.mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2. My new image going to be used as an installation image for my
>> production image.  So I need to include the production image (for
>> MACHINE="mymachine")) deploy products in the image for my installation
>> image.  How can I do that if I define a new MACHINE for the production
>> image?
> This is not clear to me. With 'installation image' do you mean a full image 
> (bootloader, kernel, rootfs etc)?
> Can you give me some more details about this use case?
Hi Gabriele,
Thank you again so much for your help!  My use case is as follows: I
need to create an image that will go on a USB stick that we use when
we manufacture our boards.  That image will be used to flash the
production image that we ship.  The manufacturing image will have a
different kernel configuration, possibly a different device tree, and
certainly a different rootfs than our production image.  I would like

$ bitbake manufacturing-image

and have the build system set up so that it builds production-image
and includes production-image-ubi.img as a file in the rootfs for my

It seems to me that
production-image-ubi.img must be built with MACHINE=mymachine
manufacturing-image would have to be built with MACHINE=my-manufacturing-machine

...and that's where I get confused/concerned about using a different
MACHINE for my manufacturing image vs my production image.

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